

孕爱奇迹 อุ้มรักปาฏิหาริย์,拥抱奇迹拥抱爱,奇爱暖暖,OumRakPatiharn


  • 片名:
  • 状态:更新至第13集
  • 主演:帕他勒彭·德浦沃拉侬/坦雅薇·淳哈萨瓦迪功/查亚鹏·本纳格/哉布安·海德婷/
  • 导演:不详/
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:泰国
  • 类型:剧情/爱情/泰国/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2022-09-18(泰国)
  • 语言:泰语
  • 更新:2024-04-19 11:07
  • 简介:  After finding out about her surprise pregnancy, Janesuda was labeled as her lover, Atiruj's life-destroyer. Despite the taunts from the people around her lover, she tried to be patient and persevere to make her relationship work. However, love isn't always sweet. When she discovered that love was beginning to disappear for Atiruj, Janesuda decided to leave everything behind with a hurt heart. Atiruj continues to live his life mercilessly and with a cold heart. He believes that Janesuda had taken his family's money and gotten an abortion, and so he despises the ex-lover who ran away. Five years pass just like that, when one day Atiruj meets a small xiaokan.cc girl who calls Janesuda mummy. This revelation leaves Atiruj in shock... and then very angry. He can not tolerate the fact that Janesuda lied to him and took away his child for so long, so now he will try his best to take his child back and hurt the lover that had hurt him for so long.
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  After finding out about her surprise pregnancy, Janesuda was labeled as her lover, Atiruj's life-destroyer. Despite the taunts from the people around her lover, she tried to be patient and persevere to make her relationship work. However, love isn't always sweet. When she discovered that love was beginning to disappear for Atiruj, Janesuda decided to leave everything behind with a hurt heart. Atiruj continues to live his life mercilessly and with a cold heart. He believes that Janesuda had taken his family's money and gotten an abortion, and so he despises the ex-lover who ran away. Five years pass just like that, when one day Atiruj meets a small xiaokan.cc girl who calls Janesuda mummy. This revelation leaves Atiruj in shock... and then very angry. He can not tolerate the fact that Janesuda lied to him and took away his child for so long, so now he will try his best to take his child back and hurt the lover that had hurt him for so long.


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